Marketing Automation Do's and Dont's

October 10, 2019

You may have purchased your preferable marketing automation system and finished with the entire implementation process. You must now be on the verge of utilizing your brand new tool to automate all of your online marketing tasks, send bulk email messages, estimate your campaign's effectiveness, and more. However, first, you need to learn more about marketing automation's “dos” and “don’ts”. This is to ensure that you don't make any rash decisions and end up hurting any of your campaigns.

Before we get down to all the great things you can do with your marketing automation system, first lets try to understand the “don’ts” and get them done away with:

  • Don’t be duped by the price. While costlier tools may be equipped with greater utilities, you should explore more options with the desired functions within your preferred cost range.
  • Don’t assume marketing automation equals content creation. You'd be in for a rude awakening if you rely solely on your recently acquired automation software for content perspective.
  • Don’t think that your tool's bulk email sending capabilities translate to endless spamming. Several marketing automation tools have reasonable checks installed to minimize your spamming tendencies.
  • Don’t schedule and ignore. Make sure to optimize your efforts by constantly measuring, readjusting, and reevaluating your automation rules, segmentation, as well as other settings. This holds for social media as well — pre-scheduled posts might be a lifesaver, but they can never replace real-time interactions, so try to remain vigilant of your online supporters' responses.
  • Don’t implement your automation settings for real-time situations unless it is efficiently sensitive. If your real-time settings extend for over a page, your entire system is at the risk of a slow-down. A word of caution: if a rule doesn't need constant running, archive, or pause it.

Fortunately, there are a whole lot of the “dos” for marketing automation. If you're not sure how to go about your newly purchased tool, check these out:

  • Do align your software towards realistically achievable goals, which can include enhancing lead generation and targeting revenue. Set clear goals for your campaigns always before launching them.
  • Do enable your marketing and sales departments for coordinating better. Luckily, your sales representatives would be getting better quality leads from your marketing department, automatically enhancing collaboration between the two departments.
  • Do clear your list often. After some time, lists pose severe issues if devoid of management. Clear your lists now and then to avoid email bounces from people who have changed their email addresses or professional companies.
  • Do utilize your marketing automation tool for greater engagement campaigns. Lead generation capabilities place utilize drip campaigns. Additionally, they help revive brand interest in your in leads. 
  • Do make use of lead activities. Make use of the activity level of your prospect to your brand's advantage.